Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Zealand, part one

Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road
Healthy, free, the world before me
The long brown path leading wherever I choose.
-Walt Whitman

So, here I am in New Zealand, experiencing a southern hemisphere winter. I thought that I had escaped the cold of winter, but May in Wellington is comparable to November in Wyoming, minus the snow. Everywhere I go, people complain about the wind, but the wind makes me feel at home.

I have been in New Zealand for four days, and I have fallen in love with the city of Wellington and the people in New Zealand. They are welcoming and warm; always willing to direct a lost foreigner. The city of Wellington is located on the southern most tip of the north Island. The city is situated between the mountains, and the ocean. The downtown is vibrant, and the city has a lot to offer the students who attend Union(what they call college) here.

Yesterday I took a ferry to Days Bay and I immediately fell in love with the quaint little village. The houses were all very unique, no two the same. The village was spread out along the coast, and the views of Wellington from the village were quite breath taking. Everyone who knows me will not be surprised when I say that one day, I hope to live here. That is not a rare statement coming from me, but I really mean that about New Zealand. I love the diverse population, and the "no worries" attitude of the people here. I also enjoy the flat white coffee (New Zealand's version of the latte). I have not braved the short black yet, I hear it is quite strong.

I will be in Wellington for five more days, then I am off to Christchurch on the south Island. I will meet my dad down there, and will continue my New Zealand adventure from there.

That is all for now. Cheers!!